Together with community partners, our justice work and key activities encompass health, climate, food, education, housing, workforce as well as the culture and arts.
Community Conversations & Dialogue
A critical part of our work is ongoing community engagement; we are in the process of completing and launching our community needs assessment as well as engaging community in dialogue and conversation through focus groups and community meetings.
VEGGI - Food Access and Economic Development
We are providing culturally-relevant and healthy foods to Vietnamese seniors in the New Orleans East community on a weekly basis through our cooperative farming program, VEGGI Farmers Cooperative, and other sustainable sourcing practices within our local food system.
VEGGI is also an aspect of our economic development programming, helping farmers and food producers earn income by providing marketing, sales, distribution, and technical assistance.
Business Development
We are working on the relaunch of the Villages of the East coalition, a network of nonprofit organizations, neighborhood associations, and faith-based institutions in the Village de l’Est neighborhood; in addition, several partnerships have been formed to undertake the environmental justice and green infrastructure.
Environmental Justice
We are working with community members to build green infrastructure projects along the waterways and canals in the New Orleans East community; partners include green infrastructure companies and Healthy Gulf; this project promotes environmental justice by creating green infrastructures that will help with stormwater management and nutrient runoff in the area
Affordable Senior Housing Development
This community development project is a direct response to the needs of seniors identified post-Hurricane Katrina; staff members have been working with housing consultants to develop the project in addition to participating in the 2022 Urban Land Institute Real Estate Diversity Initiative (REDI)