We Serve New Orleans East.
Our main constituency identifies as low income, Asian-American, African American, White, Latino and/or immigrants/refugees. Our community is located in the New Orleans East area known as "Village de l’Est".
Our community has high instances of poverty, unemployment, is a food desert, and has low access to public transportation. We work to help our community members overcome these barriers and improve their quality of life through our programs and advocacy.
Our organization targets the Village de l’Est neighborhood in New Orleans East, which has a population of approximately 10,000 Vietnamese-Americans and immigrants. Language barriers, cultural misconceptions, low levels of education, and a lack of employment opportunities have delayed the community from becoming a mainstream competitive market.
Our Team
Tap Bui
Co-Executive Director
Khai Nguyen
Co-Executive Director
Mai Tran
Manager of Community Services
Ami Truong
Project Coordinator
Nguyen Nguyen
Farm Operations Manager
Madeline Edwards
Food Programs Manager